Elisabeth Elliot on finding peace after her husband was killed

Words of Elisabeth Elliot after finding out her husband and the father of her young daughter Valerie had been murdered: 

"I found peace in the knowledge that I was in the hands of God.  Not in confidence that I was not going to be killed.  Not in any false sense of security that God would protect me, anymore than He protected my husband, the four missionaries or Honorio from the wooden lances.  Simply in knowing that He held my destiny in His two hands, and that what He did was right."

Isn't this why we love her so?  In her life we see ... not perfection, but a desire to live out what she had been taught about the Bible and God all of her life.  Perfect she is not.  A woman who loves her God and worked diligently to live out her faith she most certainly is.

Let us learn from the legacy that Elisabeth has left for us to set the bar for living out God's Word high in our lives.  Let us remember, likewise, that God is the one who holds our destiny in His hands, and from that knowledge let us find our own peace!

"The fact that Jesus Christ died for all makes me interested in the salvation of all, but the fact that Jim loved and died for the Aucas intensifies my love for them."

~ Elisabeth Elliot, The Savage My Kinsman. 


Then Job answered the Lord and said, 'I know that You can do all things and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.' " ~ Job 42: 1-2

Skim through the pages of Elisabeth Elliot's book or to purchase a copy, click on the link. "The Savage My Kinsman."


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