Where goes the fear?

I give thanks throughout the day, count gifts.  Though I don't count them by writing them down as often as I'd liked.  I count nonetheless.  Pay close attention.

I give thanks and count gifts and fear disappears.  Tension is gone.  I'm awake to my surroundings—my life.

I know and believe that I am loved with an everlasting love, of this I am assured.

He loves me.  He tells me through the little ... the daily activities, the ones I often take for granted, how much He cares.  Ugly times come.  Ugly times are here.  Yet, I fret not.
For I know He is working it out.  This is part of His plan.  He's got the whole world in His hands.  My problems are no problem for Him.  My truth:  God will be with me.  God is for me.

It's the absence of the thing that startles:  I feel no fear. . . There is no choking angst.  I am not anxious and I breathe easy and that worry child I've clung to, she deserts. I feel no fear and it makes no sense.  The market still teeters, the future of our livelihood still hangs precarious, and there is no guarantees, no assurances, no change.
Nothing has materially changed since yesterday's fears, last week's anxiety.  But I have.  I'm changing.  I am changing, deep changing and I am giving thanks, doing eucharisteo and eucharisteio is eureka and I know why there's no fear...
Giving thanks.  Giving thanks is what builds trust. ~ one thousand gifts


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