I'm getting the jitters ... in a good way though {Women of Faith Conference, Ott}

Well my dear friends, the time is approaching and the anticipation is killing me!

The "what if's" and "I wonder?"

I'm so glad my husband is going with me!  Who better to have???  You can bet I'll be leaning on him.  At first I thought one of my closes lady friend and I would go together, than I thought my mom and I would, but it is not to be.

Just to let you know up front, you may get several post from me Friday and Saturday trying to keep you updated on the blog.  I know I will feed streams of going ons to Twitter and Facebook, but I know that some of you don't yet embrace the social media technology so I will try to place a few things here too.

As of now, I'm trying to learn how to send photos to Twitter.  I tweet, but I've never added photos to Twitter, only my personal Facebook.  I saw the other day where they have added an app where I can just click???

Anyway, pleeeease send me the "how tos" on uploading photos to Twitter ... thanks.

And don't forget if you are a follower, please tweet me, FB me or send me an email letting me know you will be at the conference so we can hook-up!!!

I will let you guys know when we get there!!!!!

"God through the Holy Spirit interceding within us, uses everyday circumstances to touch the whole world with His saints." ~ Oswald Chambers 

It is my sincere hope that you are being touched by God through the writing of this blog, no matter what shore you reside on beloved one.

xo, Angela

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