Good Morning Girls, Fall online Bible study

Calling all ladies, bloggers and non-bloggers—

Ladies would you consider partnering with me?

Beginning Monday, September 19, 2011 a group of blogging friends and I will start reading the book of 1 John.

The group will run from September 15 through December 15.

Thursday, September 15 I will send my first email to those of you who have signed up.

We will correspond by emailing, Facebooking or texting one another Monday-Friday after having our morning quiet time.

Also, would you spread the word about our group and invite some of your friends to join us?  If you all want I will create a message board for us to meet as a central location, and if you want {for those who are local} we can even meet one Saturday morning for breakfast just to talk about what God is doing.  It's up to you all.

  We will use the S.O.A.P method of studying the passages:

1.  S-write out the Scripture passage of the day.
2. O- write down one or two observations from the passage.
3. A- write down one or two applications from the passage.
4. P- pray over what you learn from that day's passage.

By the end of the 12 weeks, we will have written out the entire book of 1 John in our journals.  And, we will have meditated on every single verse in the book.

A couple of suggestions for those of you who may not have Bible study tools at home:

When you come to a passage of Scripture that you don't understand you can visit Crosswalk's Bible study tools located here: Crosswalk Bible study tools.  You can go to Matthew Henry's Commentaries for more background understanding.

Can't wait to hear your stories of how God has speaks to you through these readings.

If you would like to participate e-mail at: or send me a note through Facebook {see the side bar to reach me on Facebook or just click the link below}.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Go here for the daily Bible study reading plan.

"God through the Holy Spirit interceding within us, uses everyday circumstances to touch the whole world with His saints." ~ Oswald Chambers

It is my sincere hope that you are being touched by God through the writing of this blog, no matter what shore you reside on beloved one.

xo, Angela

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