so many things pulling at me

Oh it has been a minute or two since we've come together. I miss you desperately. These days it seems that I can barely keep my thoughts straight let alone put them down on paper. I hope this post finds all of you doing well. I am doing so-so, still having problems with my mouth. Still working at my God-sized dream . For the past few weeks I've been diligently working with my 17 year-old son who has had a lot of questions about the Bible even questioning parts of it. This broke my heart because I felt like I'd fell as a mother--as his mother. " What?!... wait?! Where is all of this coming from Lord?" I cried out. My son is such a deep thinker. He thinks of things that have never entered my mind. He looks at things and reasons in way that are Greek to me. God is growing me with this child. For the past three weeks we stay up way past 2'o clock reading Chuck Swindoll's study guide, Hope in Hurtful Times ! I can't tell...