Meet Angela
Hi I'm Angela,
This is an update as of 5/2015 to my blog.
I've been waiting to see what God wanted to do next with this blog. I knew He didn't want me to abandon it, but exactly what He wanted me to do I didn't know.
What He and I have decided to do is to use this site for different Bible Studies. It is my hope that each study will be a "Gateway to Joy" for you.
I will always write about the studies, but I will do over them using audio and videos. Most likely I will always post an accompany audio file so that you can listen while exercising, feeding the kids, going to work, etc., Just take me on the go with you.
If you want to know more about me and this blog continue reading.
Welcome to my little space on the World Wide Web.
When I first started blogging in 2009 I did it to share my morning devotions with others. Since 2009 this blog has changed in many ways. I still share my devotions with you, but now I share so much more.
When God called me home to be a full-time mom in ministry with Him, and to homeschool my 7 children, I left behind a school that I loved, The Art Institute, and I gave up all dreams of becoming an Interior Designer, Textile Designer or having anything to do with art.
With two kids now graduated and my youngest now 10 (2/12) I find myself having time to dream again. From the time I was a little girl I've dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur, thanks to the many books my father brought home for me to read about the Kennedy family.
I've decided to use this blog to share more of my creative and inspiring passions with you: God. Family. Art. Business.
I believe that God has gifted each one of us with a gift and passions, and through my daily {well... almost daily. I do have a family} scribblings here, I hope to help you uncover what your gifts and passions are if you don't know. Then I hope to lovingly encourage you to move toward them.
If you like my work, I ask that you will consider purchasing a piece or even better, have one custom made especially for you and/ or a special occasion even.
For more information on my signs or if you have questions or just want to drop me a note, I can be reached at
Your strengths and skills are gifts God has placed with you that you can offer to the world. ~ Holley Gerth
What is one of your skills my friend? Write it down. Focus on it. Let the magic begin.
Lastly but certainly not least, remember, "Everything if given to God can be your gateway to joy." Elisabeth Elliot
"What makes our labor holy, what makes it eternal, is not just the work but the state of our hearts while performing that work. When we comprehend that truth, then we realize washing dishes is as significant to the kingdom as operating on a patient; driving a truck is as eternally triumph as leading a company. Then, even in the zig-zags of our careers, when life seems more random than ordered, when it feels like we're running in thick and with heavy boots, we can rest in the knowledge we're serving God as we labor faithfully and diligently." ~ Randy Kilgore
I believe in Jehovah God who created the whirling galaxies, the birds soaring in the sky overhead, the endless crashing waves and all that dances within them. I believe in Father of all who knits together life, made in His very own image, in the secret quiet of our beings.
I believe in Jesus Christ, the One with no earthly Father, with the dust of this earth between His toes, and with our names etched onto the palm of His hands, right beneath the nail scarsā¦Who now sits at the Fatherās right hand making endless intercession on our behalf. I believe in the stone rolled away, in the Body being raised, in the first fruits of the deadā¦and us all following soon, very soon.
I believe in the Cross as our only Hope, our only Claim, and our only Foundation. I believe that in the pounding surf of life we have only one thing to cling to: the feet of our Lord, hanging on that tree, His lifeblood flowing down, washing us whiter than snow.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, moving, whispering, indwelling our very skin. I believe in living by the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, and producing fruit in the Spiritā¦in the Spirit who helps us in our weakness with groaning that canāt be expressed in words.
I believe in the infallibility of the Bible, Godās Word ā a sure Word, a pure Word, the only secure Word. I believe the words on those pages are breathed from the very throne room of heaven, are the love letter penned from the heart of the Lover of our souls; a beacon of light for stumbling feet to find sure footing on a dark path.
I believe there is more than believing. There is living what I believe.
Thus this journal.
~Ann Voskamp
āGod is not a belief to which you give your assent. God becomes a reality whom you know intimately, meet everyday, one whose strength becomes your strength, whose love, your love. Live this life of the presence of God long enough and when someone asks you, āDo you believe there is a God?ā you may find yourself answering, āNo, I do not believe there is a God. I know there is a God.ā~Ernest Boyer, Jr.
I believe in the The Nicene Creed and the Apostlesā Creed and our fellowshipās statement of faith. I am an evangelical Christian (believing in the necessity of salvation in Christ). I believe in the Bible and I embrace it as Godās message to all people.
Photo of Bible on our table Bible box, Hope Voskamp, used with permission
This is the message I've repeatedly told myself today and it's one that I would like to share with you all. I found this in a book that I'm reading called "Insignificant Moments."
This is the message I've repeatedly told myself today and it's one that I would like to share with you all. I found this in a book that I'm reading called "Insignificant Moments."