
Showing posts from August, 2010

A different way to eat organic

If youā€™re a newbie when it comes to buying organic food, you may be like I use to be when I first started my organic journey. I equated organic with Whole foods Market, certified organic and/or farmersā€™ market. While those are all great ways to buy organically grown food, I would like to introduce you to another realm of organic food that not only helps you and your local farmer, but it helps your community by bringing   families together through hard work, you have fun and you learn.  So what am I talking about? Community Supported Agriculture  or CSA is a super alternative to avoiding some of the costly prices that come with purchasing organic food. CSA is a way that local farmers bring seasonal high quality organic food to the tables of many local families. For those who participate they have the opportunity to not only help one another, but to get to know their local farmers and our farmers get to know usā€”thus b...

Food news ...

Did you know that ... Blackberries contain natural antioxidants that help protect us against numerous diseases including cancer? These black beauties also contain ellagic acid , a chemical known for its ability to prevent sun damage; it's also said to have restorative effects on previously damaged skin. one cup of blackberries provides more than 30 percent of our daily fiber needs and about 36 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin kā€”which promotes calcium absorption. Blueberries have more antioxidant than any other native fruit ? The antioxidants in the berries may help lower the build up of bad cholesterol in our bodies, thus decreasing risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. One serving of blueberries provides about a quarter of our daily need for vitamin c, and about 14 percent of the recommended daily in take of fiber. In several studies blueberries have been shown to reverse brain degeneration caused by aging. So its been said that they may even ...

Integrity 101

You've heard the saying, "Live long enough and you will ..."   That truth seems to be more and more credible to me with each passing year. Why is it pray tell that people I've been friends with for years I'm begining to see in a new way?  I kid you not, I have a few friends who care more about perception than they care about truth, reality or substanceā€”and they are Christians!  A few go so far as to say, "Well if it can't be proven then ..."  They feel like if you can't prove they have or are lying ... if you can't prove this or that about them then it's not the truth, it's only your perception until proven otherwise.  THIS INFURIATES ME people, it really does.  But it also saddens me...really grieves me.  I think to myself, "How can you open God's Word, sit under His teaching and be so cavalier about the truth?"  Then God reminds me of me and my sins and short-comings and I try to season myself with love and grace ...