A different way to eat organic

If youāre a newbie when it comes to buying organic food, you may be like I use to be when I first started my organic journey. I equated organic with Whole foods Market, certified organic and/or farmersā market. While those are all great ways to buy organically grown food, I would like to introduce you to another realm of organic food that not only helps you and your local farmer, but it helps your community by bringing families together through hard work, you have fun and you learn. So what am I talking about? Community Supported Agriculture or CSA is a super alternative to avoiding some of the costly prices that come with purchasing organic food. CSA is a way that local farmers bring seasonal high quality organic food to the tables of many local families. For those who participate they have the opportunity to not only help one another, but to get to know their local farmers and our farmers get to know usāthus b...