Reacting to unexpected encounters
Image via Wikipedia Have you ever responded to a circumstance in a way you wish you hadn't? Me too. I do it way more than I'd like to admitāeven to myself. Take last night for instance. A friend and I were talking outside in a parking lot, I felt like he wasn't being totally forth coming about an issue he and I have been dealing with for a few years now. Although I handled the situation better than I've handled some of our encounters in the past, I still didn't handle this issue the way I wanted to. Clearly I see how the Lord is using me in this relationship to build my character, but I keep faltering. We both ended up calling each other rude and he even called me mean before driving off. Let's try and remember this: OUR CHARACTER IS REVA LED BY OUR RESPONDS TO THE UNEXPECTED. Today, I was pulled toward Mary, the beloved mother of our Savior. What a girl! Look at her responds to her unexpected situation. ļ»æ " 'Behold...