
Showing posts from October, 2010

Have you been Had?

Cover via Amazon Hey there my peeps! T oday I was going through my books and came across one of my most beloved.  Beth Moore 's, ' When Godly People Do Ungodly Things ā€”Arming Yourself in the Age Of Seduction. * * * ļ»æ My name is Had.  You may know me, but you may not know my new name.  You may have no idea what I've been through because I do my best to look the same. I am scared to death of you.  I used to be just like you.  I once held my head up high without propping it on my hymnal. I was well respected back then, and I even respected myself.  I was wholeheartedly devoted to God , and if the truth be known, somewhere deep inside I was sometimes the slightest bit proud of my devotion.  Then I'd repent ... because I knew that was wrong.  I didn't want to be wrong.  Not ever. People looked up to me.  And life looked good from up here.  I felt good about who I was.  That was before I was Had.  Strangely, I no longer...

McDonald's Happy Meal resist decomposition for six months

Parents are you ready for this!!!  This just goes to show how we have to be very vigilant about knowing what's going into the mouths of our familyā€”particularly our children. For those of you who have Yahoo , you've probably already seen this, but for those of you who don't...this is simply an astonishing reality about McDonald's Happy meals, oh and by the way, I love their fries. *** ļ»æ  By Brett Michael Dykes brett Michael Dykes ā€“ Tue Oct 12, 1:54 pm ET Vladimir Lenin, King Tut and the McDonald's Happy Meal : What do they all have in common? A shocking resistance to Mother Nature 's cycle of decomposition and biodegradability , apparently. That's the disturbing point brought home by the latest project of New York City -based artist and photographer Sally Davies , who bought a McDonald's Happy Meal back in April and left it out in her kitchen to see how well it would hold up over time. The results? "The only change that I can see is that ...

What Happens When Women Say Yes To God?

This morning I received an email from Lysa Terkeurst assistant Holly explaining of their excitement to Lysa's book, 'What Happens When Women Say Yes To God , ' hitting the number 28 mark on Septembers CBA bestsellers list!  Now I have no idea of what that is, but I presumeā€”rather I know it's a good thing, otherwise they wouldn't be excited, right?  I'm excited for her too, as I love and appreciate what she does immensely.  Not only that, but I hope to one day do what she's doing for the Lord . Anyways, Holly had a link to Lysa's video which I clicked on and was sucked into by the writing.  The writing beneath the video caught my attention before I could even click on the video.  What caught my attention? These words: " T otal obedience to Christ can transform an ordinary life into a remarkable journey!"  That's exactly what I'm sensing is going on with me.  I'm as ordinary as they get, but I sense God transforming me...and...

Holiday Baking Shopping List

Okay ladies, here's the deal: Whole Foods has their own brand 365 Everyday Value, and for the most part it is inexpensive, yet still quality.  I say that because I don't care for "some" of the 365 shampoos and conditioners, but that's another story.  I haven't come across a "food" item that I don't care for.  Anyways, 365 Everyday Value products are free of hydrogenated fats, high frutose corn syrup and artificial color , flavors, preservatives and they really are inexpensiveā€”yet quality. So here's some of the things you need to have on hand or get ready to purchase for your holiday baking.  And they are. BAKING AISLE flour cane sugar vanilla extract cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg chocolate chips nuts pumpkin puree REFRIGERATED FOODS butter whipped cream FROZEN FOODS ice cream frozen fruit For about 50 bucks you can have your pantry, fridge and freezer good and stocked with these 365 Eveyday Value holiday ba...

Baking season is here!

Check this out ladies:  According to a Natural Marketing Institute 2009 poll (I read this in my Whole Foods "the whole deal" newsletter) 92% of Whole Foods Market shoppers buy locally produced items to support their local community.  Remember my post on Community Supported Agriculture ?  69% to support the environment, and 61% to support their health. I'm sort of surprised by the number one reason and the last reason.  Anyhoo, those of you who know me know that I heart Whole Foods, organic and natural foods .  Moving on ... Here are 5 money-saving tips for baking Get Quality at a value  with 365 everyday value natural and organic baking supplies (flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, etc).  Better ingredients equals better baking y'all and 365 products affords us that. Bake in big batches of course that's easy for me to say being the mother of 7, but it's true.  Sometimes it's advantageous to buy in bulk.  A...

A mother deals with the grim reality of her son serving a life sentence

You know when I started hosting blog tours on my blog I was excited.  I thought it was cool and I figured it was one way to help someone else, even though I wasn't sure how beside the obvious of helping to promote and sale books.  This particular story I'm aware of how it can help many, as it has already helped me.  This story, to me, is so much more than a mother telling the story of how her son ended up on death row in a maximum security prison and how she and her husband are coming to terms with their "new normal."  To me, this is a story...a teaching if you will, from one Christian to anotherā€” explaining how to deal with trials, and how to deal with them from the perspective in which God has allowed them, seeing them as God intends for us to see them: A building of our character.  Carol Kent does an excellent job through her words and stories, as well as using the stories of others, showing us how to view our hard places ...