Teaching your child Scripture

"How do I help my child memorize Scripture?" A mother asked.

I shared with her my way.  Nothing spectacular or fancy.

I've found that the best way to teach anything and anyone is through consistency and routine.

My heart is very purposeful when it comes to teaching my children about the Bible and God.

I'm always looking for opportunities for us to God-talk.

Sometimes when I'm doing laundry I'll have the younger kids assist.  While we're taking clothes out and putting clothes in we may discuss right and wrong or vengeance.  This is not by accident, though, they don't know it.  It's purposeful.

Another way I teach them is to literally sit down for Bible reading and talks.   Sometimes I do this with one child, other times it's done with a few and still other times I include all of them.  It just depends on what I've purposed in my heart for them at the time.  Here's what I mean:

~ Do I want to spend more time with one child than another?
~ Am I trying to teach my boys about relating to women, or am I teaching my girls how to be more lady like?

The answer to those questions will determine how I spend my time with them.

One of the things I've done since my children were very young was make them have quiet alone time for an hour . I have a timer that I set for an hour.  Each child is responsible for getting somewhere, where they can be by themselves.  I learned this method from Elisabeth Elliot's daughter Valerie who has eight children that she use to home school.  Eight children who were very well behaved.

Teaching your children to be still and how to play alone really helps them in learning how not to become bored easily.  Them learning to be alone helps them learn to rest and it helps them see that they don't always need to be busy running to and fro to have fun.

Okay, back to the teaching of Scripture, the children and I find our little haven, a place where we won't be interrupted much and we sit and talk.  We talk before I read and we talk after I read.  They ask a lot of questions and I do my best to answer.

Some of my children absorb more at bed time.  Often times that's when they do most of their talking— confessing and tattling.

Why is Scripture memorization important?

The Bible tells us that when the tempter approached Jesus, Jesus said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."

Our children will be tempted in life, that's a fact, but they don't have to succumb to temptations.

Jesus was able to resist the devil taunts because He knew Scripture and He obeyed it.

God's Word is our sword in spiritual combat.

Teaching our children to hide God's Word in their hearts is tantamount to them defeating temptation.  So remember to—

  1. Find a quiet spot where you and your child {ren} can cuddle and read Bible passages.
  2. After reading—talk.  Talk about what you read.

Do the same thing the next day, and for the rest of the week.  You will be surprised at what they have learned in a short amount of time.

"You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." ~ Deut. 6: 9-10
Books I'm currently reading:
1.  Praying God's Will for Your Life, by Stormie Omartian
2.  Grumble Hallelujah
3.  Money Secrets of the Amish
4.  The Digital Mom Handbook
5.  How to Market and Sell Your eBook
6.  Faith in the fire


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