Just thinking

Hey y'all

I am so tired, I got up too late.  My daughter is in the kitchen making breakfast and I'm headed to the Home school store to get a few things I can't find.  I don't know about you, but whenever I go to the home school store, I find it so difficult to leave.  And I always end up spending way more money than what I intended.

Don't you hate when you put something away so that you can find it when you need it, only to not be able to find it when you need it?

So frustrating and it just reminds me of the frailties of humanity.

How are y'all doing with finding the rhythm of your routine again?  I feel overwhelmed, but I'm not stressed by it because I have been living in the Word. Trying to stay so close to it in fact I sleep with it under my pillow. Silly I know.

Anyway, there is a lot that I want to say, but I have a foggy head and people pulling at me from various directions, but I did want to say, "Hi" to you all :-)

Today I will be pondering on the difference in outward obedience and inward obedience.  Which do you struggle with most?

Until we meet again—

xo, Angela

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"What if God has a plan for this brokeness?  What if He wants to use these jagged, disjointed fragments of our lives to turn them into a colorful story?"
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