Priscilla Shirer's Bible Study Gideon with Beth Moore (2)

So ladies, are you doing the the Bible study with Beth Moore? If you don't know what I'm talking about you can refer back to my post that introduced what Beth Moore is doing. Okay, so this is the first and second lesson for the Gideon Bible study. I put Beth's video below. She asked that we answer a few questions. I put two of them on the blog here, but to read the remainder of them, you will have to go to her blog here: 1. Based on the question in the middle of p. 37 of our homework, she says, to what specific bravery do you feel God is calling you to in this season of your life? 2. After reading p. 46, regarding five ordinary tasks that you perform on a daily basis, share a memory of an ordinary circumstance in which God met you in an extraordinary way. Priscilla ends week one saying: " End this week by prayerfully considering what it will mean to live out Joshua 24:15. Ask the Lord to give you a holy courage to turn this promise int...