Setting boundaries teaches others how to treat you

Have you ever felt like you needed to get somewhere and be left alone? Not necessarily leave your house, but just be left alone. Not even left alone meaning total solitude, I mean left alone where maybe the T.V.'s are kept off and the radio isn't glaring and the kids are stilledāplaying or doing something quietly. Husband too. This is the sort of quietness that my soul longs for today. My depths need to be searched, scanned so that decisions can be made wisely and insightfully. He has told the heart on many occasions and reiterated it again this morning: set some boundaries. Boundaries are our life savers. They are what stops the ocean waves from rushing in carrying us away. God has drawn lines in the sand. He's set boundaries 'cause He knows their importance. Look at the expanse ... the horizon. Throughout our lives there are things that separate, bound us by various means for various reasons. Take our homes for instance, in our homes are roo...