Verbal authority? Yelling: the cause, the casualty, the cure

Elisabeth Elliot, friend and mentor, said the following in regards to verbal authority as it relates to parenting: "The Bible tells us children are to obey their parents. In our many travels Lars and I observe that few young parents have any idea that a child can be taught to obey. Some of them, alas, feel that it would damage their little egos to correct them, but God's word is clear. 'He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." For those who don't know and wonder, 'where do I begin?' There's no need to fret. Lorrie Flem, author of the new e-book Yelling: the cause, the casualty, the cure , shows us in her book that we are to , Respond. We don't react. I am so delighted that Eternal Encouragement aka The Gabby Mamas ask me to review this book and tap out my thoughts. I find this book to be sound biblicaly, laced in wisdom toting timeless treasures. In Yelling , Lorrie metho...