
Showing posts from November, 2011

Verbal authority? Yelling: the cause, the casualty, the cure

Elisabeth Elliot, friend and mentor, said the following in regards to verbal authority as it relates to parenting: "The Bible tells us children are to obey their parents.  In our many travels Lars and I observe that few young parents have any idea that a child can be taught to obey.  Some of them, alas, feel that it would damage their little egos to correct them, but God's word is clear. 'He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." For those who don't know and wonder, 'where do I begin?' There's no need to fret.    Lorrie Flem, author of   the new e-book Yelling: the cause, the casualty, the cure , shows us in her book that we are to , Respond.  We don't react. I am so delighted that Eternal Encouragement aka The Gabby Mamas ask me to review this book and tap out my thoughts. I find this book to be sound biblicaly, laced in wisdom toting timeless treasures. In Yelling , Lorrie metho...

Saturday's are for Thanking God

This weekend, on a rainy Saturday morning, I'm thanking God over here. Thanking Him for allowing me to right my wrongs ... again and again. Thanking Him that I can get on my knees and come to here right here from the quietness of my room. Thanking Him for the Bible that is available, but at times taken for granted by me. xo, Angela blog subscription  | twitter | facebook

Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name {Two post today}

For many years I've wanted to do foreign missionary work .  But for one reason after another, I always had things that came up, prohibiting me from experience my dream and taking action. At this point in my life now, I am finally seeing God slowly moving in my desire .  I must say that, He is moving in a new and very different way.  From the comfort and safety of my home, I am able to sit at my computer, write to you and share my hearts desire of wanting to help children ocean miles away. The video that I am choosing to share with you today is a "webisode from Missions in Actions highlighting children in poverty where Compassion works." Dear friend, just like me, you have a voice and a sphere of influence.  You may not be able to jump on a plane to go help a child in impoverished circumstances , but Your God and their God has given you a way to help them in the name of Jesus. Today, please slow down.  You can start by slowing down long enough to wa...

Sponsored Children success stories ... {Two post for today}

 { Don't forget to pause the music on the side.} Hear, from the mouths of  children in poverty , the impact of Compassion's intervention in the middle of desperation. These testimonial videos show you children marked by hopelessness and how they are now receiving the love and opportunity they need. These are success stories at their BEST.  When you step out to help a child who is being defeated by poverty, you not only change a life ā€“ your life is affected, too. Partnering with God and His heart for the poor is a great act of faithfulness. Learn how sponsors encountered the difference they were making in the lives of children in need.  Many of your favorite Christian musicians have seen Compassion's work firsthand. What they encountered has led to a powerful partnership between our work and their voices. Hear what they have to say about the mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. 

I just want to thank You Lord

Today is Thanksgiving here in the states. As I sit in my room listening to the happy voices of my children and my mother go back and forth in conversation and laughter, I'm reminded to be "thankful" for the "so-called" small things. But aren't those small things, really the big and most important thing. Things like family and generations . . . things like love and sharing in our expression of love to each other. Thankful that each one of us and those who we love are here another year, able to partake in the breaking of bread and fellowship. . . . And thankful for the love and memories of those who blessed us with their presence, but have gone on.  The ones who helped in shaping us. As much as I am thankful for those I love and those who love me, I am most thankful for God's love, mercy and His unfathomable grace. Had it not been for God bestowing the above attributes on me daily, I would for sure have perished. So today, I just wa...

Will you go wherever He leads you?

How do you respond to God when He tells you to "go" or "do?" Does your heart say, "Anywhere you lead Lord I'll go?" Yesterday, while fellowshipping with some of the ladies in my neighborhood, I found myself telling my "new" young friend and neighbor, Veronica, a mother to a three year-old, wife of five years and new to the faith... thedetails of when the Lord called me to be a homeschooling mom. In telling the story my heart went back and I reminisced on the early years of my obedient heart.  Back then it seems that all of my prayers were, "Lord what is your will for my life?"  "Anywhere you lead me God, I will go." Sometimes it seems like I get so far from that in my heart now though my sentiments are still the same. What about you dear friend?  What is your hearts cry to the Lord concerning "the thing" He is and has called you to do? In her book, "Wherever He leads me," Corrie Ten Boom w...

Just call me stained!

Naomi said to call her, "Mara."  I say call me, "Stained." I'm blemished.  And as hard as I try to make it not so with them, it seems that my children are cursed with blemishes too and I'm sad. At times I just want to throw up my hands in surrender and say, "Forget this!"  It's just too hard.  Not only is parenting hard, but the children have no idea of what I'm trying to invest in them.  It's as if they don't care.  So I'm wondering early this Saturday morning, "Should I?  Should I care?" It is very easy for me to distance myself and get into a mechanical mode, to protect myself, you know? Hmmm.  Choices. As I'm thinking these thoughts I look on my bed and see the book that I bought at the Women of Faith Conference by Patsy Clairmont: "Stained Glass Hearts."  I'm really getting into this book.  While feeling sorry for myselfā€”something I do oh so well.  I saw this phrase written on the...

Spiritual Warfare

I got up early this morning, again.  Here lately, I've been rising much earlier than normal.  I've been disturbed by my thoughtsā€”my actions, my desires. This morning, I decided I would do a more in depth reading of the Bible.  The only thing is that I left my Bible in our Suburban last night and I'm too afraid to go outside by myself in the dark. No problem, right, just pick up another Bible.  I can't find any of our other Bibles.  I'm in the dark looking stepping over kids . . . people, trying not to wake anyone so locating the other Bibles are made harder this morning. So what is a girl to do?  Well, I went to my bookshelf and pulled down a book that I've been wanting to read for years, but hadn't because the title scared me: " Spiritual Warfare ."  It's written by Timothy M. Warner.  It's an old book, but so many truths are still prevalent today. " Spiritual Warfare . . . hm.  That's exactly what I think I'm g...