
Showing posts from January, 2012

I have some Eternal Encouragement for you

"W hat to cling to on days when you're drowning. " Ann Voskamp said that. Do you ever have those overwhelming days? Days where you are tired before you even get out of bed? When I'm having those moments I must be wise in who I talk to about how I am feeling if I share at all.  People, especially those who have not been called to homeschool are quick to tell me the many ways to alleviate my problem.  The first being is to put the kids into a "regular" school. For me however, God has grown and discipled me more through what I've read, than who I've talked to. Any since beginning my blog He has used an even newer and different way of ministering to me.  More often than not, if you have been visiting me for any length of time you know that I still read and share my reviews on books.  I certainly share my favorite blogs with you. But now I have something new to share.  It's something that until recently I'd actually shun.  And that ...

Loss of post causes me to seek peace

Ah, are you looking for today's blog post?  Me too.  It's gone.  Poof.  No more. If you blog you know this is one of your greatest fears.  I want to throw something, but I'm not because in writing that particular post I learned some things.  Things that I longed to share with you, but I guess God only saw fit for me to learn this time around. Thank you for coming nonetheless. Maybe tomorrow he will see fit for me to share with you my heart in a post :-) xo, Angela blog subscription  | twitter | facebook

Restoring the joy of your salvation

Do you ever feel stagnate in your faith? That's how I've been feeling lately.  I feel like I've just been going through the motions.  I feel as if I've been living to please me, and I see how this selfishness of mine continues to leave a wedge between God and me. "I love you Lord and I want to please You.  What's wrong with me?" God reminded me of His servant David. David felt this way too.  When we find ourselves distant from the Father we need to cry out in prayer and ask Him to: "Restore to me the joy Of Your salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit..." Ps. 51:12 Our heavenly Father wants to be close to usā€”His children.  But somewhere along the road call life, we forget about His longing and focus on ours and what we feel is best for the life that He has given us. Unconfessed sin makes intimacy with God impossible.  Confess your sin so that God can restore you to the joy of your salvation . . . resulting intimacy with Hi...

Lifeway woman: Kelly Minter

H ello girls! I have a message for you from Lifeway Women: "The Beth Moore James Facebook  party that we all helped launch was a huge success." And they thank those of us who promoted the live webcast party! Now they have something else for us, what, you ask? They want us to gear up again for a second Facebook launch party for a new Bible study, "Living Room Series Bible study, Nehemiah, A heart that can break." The party is Feb. 1, 2012 at 11:11 a.m CST. There will be live fun again! Paige Greene will host the webcast with Kelly and they are going to have special guest appearances, including Lisa Harper and by Skype, Beth Moore. Kelly will share on the live webcast her heart about the study, her heart for missionary work, and a cooking segment. If any of you would be interested in helping us spread the word, you can do one of the following: 1.  post on your blog and invite people to the party 2.  post on your Facebook about the party, and ...

Speak with your heart

O ften times dear friends, the profoundest of our statements is observed not by the utterances of our words, but rather by the way our heart instructs us to walk.   You may tell me you love me, but if the only way I experience it is by hearing you say it, yet never seeing or feeling it expressed any other way, chances are my belief in what you say will gradually fade. Our most sincere way to walk with Jesus is sometimes to not say anything with our lips, but with our hearts. Allowing how we feel inwardly to spill over, we then have no choice but to display outwardly how we are truly feeling inside, thus we bend the knee and bow low as an expression of our love to Him. "Wherefore, I say unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much." ~ Luke 7:47 Are you sorry for something you did, an act you committed?  Don't just say you're sorry, show how sorry you really are. Allow this weekend to be a time where you do some self-reflection,...

Hope for the distracted one

I feel like Mary . . . busy, doing and going: no where. Choosing that which is less important. The thing that has no eternal value what-so-ever. Being unwise in decisions. To talk about my decisions or write about them isn't enough anymore. Action is required. To know and not do is the sin, isn't it? Why do I . . . How do I . . . Why and how do I always loose focus? Allow myself to get distracted, become moved from the important, the music of my life. The grown up has much growing up to do. Each day my heart and spirit longs to be with Him, with home, with what's important, but each day I allow myself to become distracted from Him, from home, from what's importantā€”the music, the music of my life. Laundry is sky high. School papers need correcting, the house needs the attention from the woman within it, but I'm busy, busy doing what? Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties will arise.  Didn't that old devil seek...

Moms do you need a get away? {Mom Life Boot Camp}

M others, are you worn out, spent, frazzled, overwhelmed and down right tired? You may even find that you are sad and depressed to realize that you are not Superwoman after all .  And if  you really get honest with yourself, you see how accepting a little help from someone else isn't such a bad idea after all. I certainly can relate to these kind of feelings, and remember not too long ago, how my heart sank when I had to face the fact that not only am I not Superwoman, but the family that I love and adore, the children who I stayed home to home school and teach God's principals to, wind up being flawed too, and the only person that sees them as "super" honestly is me. The mid 40's are bringing me to the point in my life where I am having to accept that many of the dreams I'd once had for myself as a woman, wife, mother and Godly woman, are just that: dreams. My new normal is for me to live with the reality that I am an imperfect being, and accept t...

The habit of Joy

A nn Voskamp challenges us once again, and she shares her January, Joy Dare calendar with us .  Hers is  on her fridge.  That's where mine will be as well.  What about you?  Where will you hang yours? If you want to download this calendar and participate in giving daily gratitude in January and need some ideas, print Ann's calendar out here.   Download the January Joy Dare Calendar by Ann Voskamp. I often think of this quote that I read in One Thousand Gifts: A Dare To Live Fully Right Where You Are . "A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit." ~ Eramus How do we become habitual in giving joy?  By giving joy, my friends.  By expressing our gratitude. Oh, friendā€” let's start the new year off right.  Let's make a commitment to give him thanks in all things and then let's have a treasure hunt of sorts, looking for joy around us, expressing joy.  Go ahead and grab a tablet & pencil so that you can b...

Ten year old blind autistic boy sings to God

What a sweet aroma. Please listen as this 10 year old blind, autistic boy sing's "Open the eyes to my heart." If you receive this blog by email you may not be able to see this blessing, if you can not you can click on the highlighted link. "For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish." ~ 2 Corin. 2:15 {Don't forget to quiet the music :-)} xo, Angela blog subscription  | twitter | facebook

New ways of walking in the new year

I'm looking for a new way to walk this year friends. Guess what though?  Letting go of old behavior is hard to doā€”sometimes.  The reason being is that some of my old ways of my walking I liked. They felt good. Those ways had become familiar friends and were comfortable. They were what I knew.  They were my normal. Every time I think about changing my stride I feel a foe surfacing: fear. Anguish too.  Even their cousin anxiety finds a spot to grab hold of me.  And my head whirls with thoughts of last year, and the years before that, "You change? Never. It's too hard and you never do it for long so why begin?" So I ask my Father with lamenting heart, "How?  How do I do it?  How do I become your woman, the woman you can be 'oh so proud of?'  How do I start and not stop?  How do I find a new way of walking this year Father? Please help this feeble child of yours,"I softly whisper. While washing dishes by candle light she com...