I have some Eternal Encouragement for you

"W hat to cling to on days when you're drowning. " Ann Voskamp said that. Do you ever have those overwhelming days? Days where you are tired before you even get out of bed? When I'm having those moments I must be wise in who I talk to about how I am feeling if I share at all. People, especially those who have not been called to homeschool are quick to tell me the many ways to alleviate my problem. The first being is to put the kids into a "regular" school. For me however, God has grown and discipled me more through what I've read, than who I've talked to. Any since beginning my blog He has used an even newer and different way of ministering to me. More often than not, if you have been visiting me for any length of time you know that I still read and share my reviews on books. I certainly share my favorite blogs with you. But now I have something new to share. It's something that until recently I'd actually shun. And that ...