
Showing posts from May, 2013

Pilipinto's Happiness: The Jungle Childhood of Valerie Elliot

Today is Favorite Blog and Ministry Friday!  I am happy, happy, happy to have something to tell you about this person.  It is with great pleasure that I feature this new author.  She is certainly no stranger to us, and is none other than Jim and Elisabeth Elliot's daughter:  Valerie Elliot Shepard. The name of Val's book, as I'm sure you've figured out is, ' Philipinto's Happiness .' Many of you who follow this blog love Valerie and her family just as much as I do.  The majority of you are familiar with her story.  However, I am starting to get more emails than before from people all over the world asking who she and her mother are. I want to keep dear Elisabeth Elliot words, books and her ministry alive so that all Christian women young and old will be blessed by her message as so many of us have been. Thrilled is what I am that Val has decided to write this book.  It is good to know that she's keeping her parents memory and legacy going. ...

The Civil War Blog

Boy, oh, boy, have I found a great site for you history lovers . Today, while helping a friend with his blog I came across a blog that I just love.  I don't think I've ever learned so much about the Civil War before in my entire life as I did when I visited the Civil War blog earlier today. The blog is written by Norman Gasbarro , you can follow him on Twitter .   Please, you homeschool parents, take a look at the time and wealth of information that Mr. Gasbarro has put into the blog.  He is really a blessing to our country and I'm so thankful for the work he is doing. I would love to take a vacation in his county.  I've talked to many of you who take vacations to historical places, this is one of them.  Many of you may already have because like I said a lot of these places are historical places. Check out the site and let me know what you think.  Here's a peep.   St. Paulā€™s Lutheran Church Cemetery, Tower City, Schuylkill County St. Paul...

Favorite blog or ministry Friday: Going Beyond Ministries

I'm back with my favorite blog or ministry Friday. Today I'm highlighting a ministry that I love and think is instrumental in helping ladies learn and grow in their Christian faith.  Going Beyond Ministries along with a few others is my "go to" ministry to help me get my focus back when I feel myself getting away from God's Word, and I need to be fed in that womanly kind of way.  Priscilla and Beth just have an innate knowing, and they always, always, have a word for me.  It is downright scary sometimes how the Lord calls them to minister to me.   I know I have highlighted this ministry before, but what can I say!  It helps me.  It helps others.  And I will begin doing her new study soon. Before I get started running off at the mouth, let me explain to you how "Favorite blog or Ministry Friday works."   Each Friday I will highlight a ministry,  blog  or book that I love, but more importantly it will be something tha...

Commit to service . . .

After praying this prayer, Betty was martyred in China in 1934. To learn more about Betty Scott Stam's you can purchase a book here about her life. xo, Angela   blog subscription  | twitter | facebook

Thank you for new mercies every morning

If you're anything like me, you may not have really focused on God's mercies before. Yes. You, like me, may know and realize that our Father is merciful. But I tell you there is nothing like knowing you are wretched. . . deserving of nothing, yet seeing God's merciful-compassion given to you time and time again.  I falter. I fall.  I stumble, and I stop. But in spite of God has still been faithful to restoring new mercies to me each morning.  Please listen to this video and thank God for His mercies this morning. xoxo, Angela   blog subscription  | twitter | facebook

Free Lifeway Ereaders and more

I'm still here!  It's been a while I know.  I have a few things that I want to share with you all.  Before I share Lifeway's ereader link with you, I want to tell you what the more in the title is all about. 1.  The lovely Beth Moore is doing a biblestudy in June, and she is doing it from the other lovely: Priscilla Shirer.   who has a new study out called, Gideon .  If any of you are interested in joining the study here's the information .  I will also post it here as I find out about it. Y'all this study could not have come at a better time for me.  I feel like Satan has been constantly attacking my family and me.  Even worse I feel like I always rollover and allow him to defeat me.   I'm not defeated. I know. But sometimes, it sure does feel like I am.  I was so reminded of how defeated I am not last night when I listened to Beth Moore's video. Gosh I thank God for that woman. Making me thank God even more is L...