Pilipinto's Happiness: The Jungle Childhood of Valerie Elliot

Today is Favorite Blog and Ministry Friday! I am happy, happy, happy to have something to tell you about this person. It is with great pleasure that I feature this new author. She is certainly no stranger to us, and is none other than Jim and Elisabeth Elliot's daughter: Valerie Elliot Shepard. The name of Val's book, as I'm sure you've figured out is, ' Philipinto's Happiness .' Many of you who follow this blog love Valerie and her family just as much as I do. The majority of you are familiar with her story. However, I am starting to get more emails than before from people all over the world asking who she and her mother are. I want to keep dear Elisabeth Elliot words, books and her ministry alive so that all Christian women young and old will be blessed by her message as so many of us have been. Thrilled is what I am that Val has decided to write this book. It is good to know that she's keeping her parents memory and legacy going. ...