
Showing posts with the label helping others

How compassionate are you?

Y ou know I talk a lot about my faith on this blog.  And I work very hard at putting my faith in action.  The one area in my life where I always feel I fall short is when it comes to helping those who I am not close to.  Those who are not in my immediate family or extended church family. Sure.  If someone calls me specifically and shares a need and if I am able to help I do.  But I don't over-extend myself enough.  I'm way too comfortable in my lifestyle and my indulgences.  God continues to press this on my heart, and for whatever reason I keep brushing it off.  But as I've been telling my husband all week.  I feel inspired to action.  Inspired to do something to help the children with Compassion Bloggers. I don't think God has allowed me to become a member of Compassion Bloggers just to blog about "a cause."  Their cause.  No.  He wants me to do more. At first I told myself that the reason I hadn't sponsored a child yet was because I didn&

God working through social media!

It's AMAZING to see the Lord moving right along in today's "social media" society.  Facebook, Twitter , blogging and all the other multi-facet networks that are used via online are all helping Christians around the world to literally connect in unique ways and make a difference in the lives of others.  We're using our gifts and talents in ways that only a decade ago, we never conceived as being possible. Today's post proves this point, and shows us how this is happening in the blogging community around the world. Compassion Bloggers a two year old online ministry works with bloggers in using their influence to help transforms lives of children and their families in poverty worldwide. How are we doing this?  We do this by... posting banner ads on our blogs telling stories that compel, you, the reader, to sponsor a child. Not only that, but we bloggers also get together and travel halfway around the world to see first hand how Compassion Internat