A mother's tale: obedience or sacrifice?

Y esterday while enjoying a long country drive through long rolling hills ... having good conversation with my husband, and us soaking up the brightly beaming sunshine, my thoughts went to obedience vs. sacrifice. Ocean of waves rolled through my thoughts on the subject, in between my breaks of talks" Awe, what a nice topic to blog about," I thought as I looked far into the horizon... wind hitting my face. Once I was home, immediately upon walking through the door, I saw my 17 year-old son lying on the couch in a peculiar way. "What's wrong with you? " I ask him. "I'm weak." "Have you eaten?" " No ma'am," he says. Right after those words left his mouth, my 11 year-old daughter called out, "Mom! Look at my finger! I think it's broken." Following her cry, came the lamentation of my two younger daughters Krishtiana 10 and Kennlie seven, "Mom can we come out of our rooms yet?" Sniffle...