Week one of 1 John reading
Ladies click on the blue title to leave a comment. Most of you are emailing me saying that you don't see each other's comments. I think I fixed the problem and there are comments on some of the other Bible study blog post.Good morning girls!
I really feel as if we are being attacked already. I've never had problem with anyone leaving comments before this study, so weird :-(
I hope you all have done your reading for this morning. I'd love for you guys to share in the comment section of the blog how it went and what you have learned.
If you have a blog let me know because I'd like for us to do a link up party sharing what we're learning each week. Also, Courtney, the leader of the Good Morning Girls group wants all of us with blogs to link up on her blog each Wednesday.
I will share with you all a bit later today, through another person what my quiet time was like and what I learned, but first I wanted to share the information with you below from Courtney. She has added a link if you want to go to her site, but for those of you don't, I went ahead and posted her article in the blue quote box for you to be sure you wouldn't miss her introduction to us.
Also, I'm still having problems with the comments. I was really discouraged this past weekend that I haven't been able to share your comments with each other. I have no ideal what's going on with the comments posting. They show up in my email, but not on the blog.
I really think that's the enemy trying to discourage me. It almost worked too, but the Lord just wouldn't allow me to have a pity party. So I'm going to keep on working on it until we can all come together and chime in, in blog conversation.
I will send you all emails later on, as I take breaks from home schooling.
Thanks again ladies for participating!
Welcome to Week 1 in the book of I John!!! We are so delighted that you are here! This week’s reading assignment is I John 1:1-4 (click here if you have not downloaded the e-Study Guide yet). We’ll be taking baby steps this week as you focus on 3 things:
1. Rising early in the morning! This means you might need to go to bed 30 minutes earlier!
2. Getting the method of SOAP down
3. Connecting with your Good Morning Girls group
Here is what my Bible looked like before marking the key words I saw in I John 1:1-4.Here’s what it looked like after marking the key words in I John 1:1-4. Notice I like to use a yellow triangle for all references to the Godhead (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – 3 in 1). You may want to mark more or less key words. There’s no right or wrong answer to these.
If you have quickly completed the SOAP assignment for the day and still have time left – we recommend that you do commentary work. Commentaries are books, sermons or devotionals that study each verse in its context. Look at how much depth these men of God found in these few short verses!!! Their grasp on scripture simply astounds me. I long to know and live out these truths like these men of God.
Here are 3 on-line commentaries I recommend for the week to go along with this weeks reading:
1. John McArthur ~ Certainties of the Word of Life, Part 12. John Piper ~ Eternal Life Has Appeared in Christ3. Charles Spurgeon ~ I John 1:3,4
The above reading and key word marking is optional! If all you can get done is the SOAP study – then “high 5″ to you for getting into God’s word today! Do not feel pressured to do more!
This is a place of grace – college students, nursing moms, working moms, homeschooling moms, room moms, grandma’s caring for their grandchildren or ailing parents, and women from all walks of life are here! We women are busy and doers! We need this time – but this needs to be a time of peace – NO pressure - do what time allows.
Even when you miss a day of your quiet time, it’s important that you stay connected to your group. It is very easy to lose fellowship if you do not remain committed to your accountability group. Be honest. Say you are struggling – I KNOW they will lift you up in prayer! And Girls – we ALL need more prayer – don’t we?
I’m lifting you all up in prayer this week! I’ll be back here on Wednesday and Friday – so stop back! Now dig in and enjoy!
Walk with the King!
Courtney, WomenLivingWell
Don't forget to share this with other women and invite a friend!
xo, Angela blog subscription | twitter | facebook
I enjoyed day 1 of the I John study!!
ReplyDeleteEternal God created out of nothing, life, and wonder of wonders became as His creation to save us from our sin. How wonderful to know we will spend all eternity with Him and eachother. In the meantime as in verse 3, we are to be in fellowship with one another, as we fellowship with our heavenly Father. Thanks Angie for the reminder to slow down and meditate, drinking in the Word and letting it permiate every part of our being. To live and breath it in, not merely breeze through it in the morning then forget what I read later in the day. Thinking this morning of the awesomeness of seeing Jesus face to face one day, and the men who did and wrote it down for us (: