
Showing posts from April, 2011

Lean hard on the Father

'C hild of My love, lean hard, and let Me feel the pressure of they care; I know thy burden, child I shaped it; poised it in My own hand, made no proportion in its weight to thine unaided strength; for even as I laid it on, I said I shall be near, and while he leans on me, this burden shall be Mine, not his . So shall I keep My child within the circling arms of My own love.  Here lay it down, nor fear to impose it on a shoulder which upholds the government of worlds.  Yet closer come; thou art not near enough;  I would embrace thy care so I might feel My child reposing on My breast. Thou lovest me?  I know it.  Doubt not then; but, loving Me, lean hard." ~ May Prentiss Smith "Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you.  He will never let righteous be shaken."   ~ Ps. 55:22 Thank you dearest readers!  I am so proud to say that no one has tried downloading the pictures of Valerie & her family!  I asked and you responded...

The Prince marries his Princess!

I remember this ... stayed up all night waiting!!!  Loved her style so much!  And who would have thought that I would be watching some 20 years later the union of their child!  Brings tears to my eyes ... !!! Princess Diana & Prince Charles' Wedding: A look back (photos) Wishing the couple many blissful years and God's blessings!!!

The atmosphere of your heart?

I  saw the Lord last night, in my bed with all the children sitting and lying beside me.  All were there in discussion with my husband and me.  We discussed Proverbs 21:3, "Every man's way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart." Our discussion got me to thinking about many things well into the night, with me waking up with more thoughts and questions about relationships and how God views our actions within them.  Friend, when you find yourself in a crisis with another, don't tune the other person out, be mature enough to listen to what they have to say.  Of course it won't be easy, but it is necessary.  A lot of times this is the ugly...the ugly that will turn into beauty eventually with time.  It is a growing pain.  Take heed and learn.  The hard in life are the things that become our holy experience.  All things can be a holy experience, just like all things if given to...

Peculiar, isn't it?

`O nce upon a time there was an unhappy couple.  She said it was because they were so mismatched.  She married beneath herself.  In actuality, they were not altogether different.  After all, the reality is that baggage attracts baggage.  One set may have  looked more like a brown paper sack and the other like fine, leather Gucci, but it's all baggage  She kept a cold heart toward him because she knew he had to be bad.  Somewhere deep inside of her it was the very thing that had first attracted her, but she would never admit to such a thing.  Yes, she knew he had to be bad.  And just as she suspected, he was.  His sins were many and grievousā€”by anyone's standards.  Terrible and as broad in consequence as a thundering black horizon.  She caught him in his sin, and shame reverberated throughout the broken family.  He fell on his knees in repentance and begged God to save his life and spare his family.  He did....

The wives of the five American missionaries who were speared to death speak {and more pictures of Valerie Elliot Shepard & her family}. Keeping their story alive!

I n January 1956 the world was shocked when learning that five American missionaries had been speared to death in the Equardorian jungles by the Auca Indians who were reported, at that time, to be the most savage tribe on earth.  "What seemed to all the world like a tragic ending of the missionaries' dream to reach this isolated tribe was only the first chapter of one of the most breathtaking missionary stories of the twentieth century" In the video below the wives of the five men speak of their husbands. Below are some pictures of Jim & Elisabeth Elliot's daughter Valerie Elliot Shepard and her family.  For any of you who have Elisabeth's book The Savage My Kinsman , she's the little blond haired darling who is all grown up now with not only children of her own, but grandchildren too.  Valerie gave me access to these pictures to share about a year and a half-ago now.  I had them up on one of my blogs, but took them down because folks were dow...

Elisabeth Elliot on finding peace after her husband was killed

W ords of Elisabeth Elliot after finding out her husband and the father of her young daughter Valerie had been murdered:  "I found peace in the knowledge that I was in the hands of God.  Not in confidence that I was not going to be killed.  Not in any false sense of security that God would protect me, anymore than He protected my husband, the four missionaries or Honorio from the wooden lances.  Simply in knowing that He held my destiny in His two hands, and that what He did was right." Isn't this why we love her so?  In her life we see ... not perfection, but a desire to live out what she had been taught about the Bible and God all of her life.   Perfect she is not.  A woman who loves her God and worked diligently to live out her faith she most certainly is. Let us learn from the legacy that Elisabeth has left for us to set the bar for living out God's Word high in our lives.  Let us remember, likewise, that God i...

Sunday's coming

Jesus yields His Spirit... He dies.  Seems like death has won ... where is His Father?  The Father whose will He is carrying out?  Even He, the Father has turned His back on Him. Forsaken and alone???  Has Jesus lost the battle?  Has Satan won?  Will the grave be His lasting home? Listen to the Words of S.M. Lockridge ... "Christ's death was accompanied by at least four miraculous events:"  The tearing of the temple veil in the temple. an earthquake dead people rising from their tombs darkness

The cross

Please listen, reflect and examine your heart while listening {scroll down to pause the music}. Bless you and may your days be filled with remembering Him and enjoying your love ones.  Don't forget to count the blessings!


G race.  That's the word that has been on my mind for the past couple of days. First, how He gives it.  How I receive it.  How I give it. I'm thankful to Him.... the one who extends grace to sinners. Last night a friend and I feuded.  "Show grace," is what I told myself. "I can't.  I'm too upset." Woe to the sinner who accepts GRACE, but can not give it. What is the source of quarrels and conflicts among you?  Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?  You lust and do not have; so you commit murder.  You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel.  You do not have because you do not ask.  You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures. ~ James 4:1-4 ::: a repost

God in the midst

I n reading the accounts of Jesus' death in Chuck Swindoll's, "The Darkness and the dawn."   I'm horrified at the barbaric way the Romans chose death for their convicted criminals. "How could a soul drive nails in the wrist of another, especially an innocent man, and not be mortified?"  Here God's Son stood in their very midst and they (the many people) missed Him.  Even most of the highly religious leaders missed Him.  How could such a travesty be? In pondering on this I am led to read my bible and open the pages to read these words, "The woman said to the serpent, 'From the fruit of the tress of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, 'You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.' The serpent said to the woman, 'You surely will not die!  For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing ...

God has something for us to do today

`L et us examine our capacities and gifts, and then put them to the best use we may.   As our own view of life is of necessity partial, I do not find that we can do better than to put them absolutely in God's hand, and look to Him for the direction of our life-energy. God can do great things with our lives, if we but give them to Him in Sincerity.   He can make them useful, uplifting, heroic.  God never wastes anything.  God never forgets anything.  God never loses anything.  As long as we live we have a work to do.   We shall never be too old for it, not too feeble.  Illness, weakness, fatigue, sorrowā€”none of these things can excuse us from this work of ours .  That we are alive today is proof positive that God has something for us to do today." ~ Anna R.B. Lindsay ::: "I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called." ~ Eph. 4:1

Elisabeth Elliot {update from Valerie Elliot Shepard}

I sent an email to Valerie Shepard {Jim & Elisabeth Elliot's daughter} today to get an update on her mother.  So many of you have written me inquiring about our dear Elisabeth.  Here's what Valerie has said that I can share with you allā€”my dear friends: Our family has 3 sisters (our daughters) getting married this summer! One in June, one in July, and one in Sept!! We are very thankful for each new fiance and see how God has given them to our girls. We are continuing to plant Christ Coastal Church here in Southport, and we're thankful for the Lord blessing us with a faithful few. Would appreciate prayers for God to increase our number and for us to find another facility to rent (we meet in our living rm. now) and for God to send at least 2 other couples who are committed to our vision- that of reaching un-churched people here in Brunswick County. Theo is planning on going to a Christian college in the fall, not sure which yet. Sarah has one more year of hig...

The road I must walk

I t's early morning hours, 3 am.  The house is still.  I rare back on the couch with Bible, blanket, yellow note-pad, and pen.  Penning words from today's reflections.  Gift recordings were hard today.  So much is going on in the heart & mind.  Seems like the day was a continueous bending of the knee-heart crying out. "All is grace," right?   That's what I think to myself.  Then I answer, "Yeah...yeah.  It is.  It's all grace.   God grace, no matter what." I saw God's grace filled hands, today, felt their touch.  Accepting what my heavenly Father hands offer today is bitterā€”sour even.  I had to grimace just to get a little of what He offered down...deep down.  This: the accepting what His hand dishes out.   This isn't the cup I wanted to drink from.  I know, though hard, that this is the cup much needed.  I must drink and learn.  He and I have been...

What is fear, really?

`A ll fear is but the notion that God's love ends.  Did you think I end, that My bread warehouses are limited, that I will not be enough?  But I am infinite, child.  What can end in Me?  Can life end in Me?  Can happiness?  Or peace?  Or anything you need?  Doesn't your Father always give you what you need?  I am the Bread of Life and My bread for you will never end.   Fear thinks God is finite and fear believes that there is not going to be enough and hasn't counting one thousand gifts, endlessly counting gifts, exposed the lie at the heart of all fear?  In Me, blessings never end because My love for you never ends.  If My goodnesses toward you end, I will cease to exist, child.  As long as there is a God in heaven there is grace on earth and I am the spilling God of the uncontainable, forever-overflowing-love-grace." ~ an excerpt from, " One thousand gifts: A dare to live fully right where you are ."

Soul glances

I pressed "publish post," and "Where hides the joy of the Lord" is published.  Still there is a gnawing sensation in the depths of my soul.   All is not as it should be. I reflect on my own written words about "giving thanks" and I reflect on words of Ann Voskamp.  I ponder hard and give much thought.  I bow and utter more words to Him who understands.  Still soul flame flickers much.   Wicker is damp...flame continues to burn out. Though I don't want to, I do the next thing while continuing to bow the soul and utter thanksgiving.  Still, the countenance isn't right.  A battle brews within.   Nevertheless, I continue the mind-chant, "eucharisteo always proceeds the miracle!" Finally, the miracle came!  It was after I'd made the Spanish rice to accompany the refried beans and the tacos.  I was tired and grabbed my Bible, headed to the backyard for more chants of the heart.  I'd been reading Colossians all day, Sunday a...

"Where hides the joy of the Lord?"

"W here hides this joy of the Lord?"  That's the question that's been plaguing my mind lately. God loves me this I know.  But I don't feel it.  I see it, yet I don't see it.  I see things in my life working, yes, but how is it working for my good???  I wonder.  These feelings are the feelings that in times past caused me to travel inward.  Isolate...turn back in search of fullness .  I'm hungry and need God's fueling... I bow the knees time and time again.  I skim through the Scriptures looking for morsels.  I find nuggets, but the soul doesn't seemed touched as it normally is. I utter these words...these feelings quietly to Him in prayer.  I fight.  I fight the feeling, but eventually it overtakes me and I give in totally to the lie.  Clenching it closely even .  "God is withholding good from me . "   I'm totally embarrassed by these thoughts for I know they are not true, yet they seem to hav...

"I am going to escort you"

"M iss Mabel Shaw, one of the first two missionaries sent out to Rhodesia by the London Missionary Society 1915, wrote: 'They told me a lion had been about ... at last I rose to go, and was just about to mount my bicycle when out of one little hut came the old leper headman.   He held a spear between the stumps that once were hands, and he went hobbling along the path in front of me.  I called to him and he stopped and looked around.' 'Where are you going?' 'I am going to escort you to Mbereshi village.   You can't go alone with lions about.' He would not have it.  It was not fitting for me to go alone.  I looked at him, a feeble old man, handless, feet half eaten, his whole body covered with marks of disease, and his face most pitiful.   I said to him, half-banteringly, and with a smile, 'Now what could you do if a lion came?' He drew himself up, and with a quiet dignity said, 'Have I not got a life to give?'  I was silent, se...

A sluggard, me?

`G o to the ant, o sluggard, observe her ways and be wise, which having no chief, officer or ruler prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provisions in the harvest." ~ Proverbs 6:6 Well!  I must say, "I am a bit offend that the Lord chose to call me a sluggard?" "No Lord.  I am not a sluggard.  I am a tired woman," is my answer to Him.  I've changed my supplements.   I am anemic.  I am getting I have Sickle Cell traits which I am told by the doctor can keep one a bit more tired.  This tiredness of mine, though, comes and goes. And I am most assured that it is tied more into my diet of eating the wrong things more than anything else.  My body is a body that doesn't do well without wholefoods and lots and lots of raw veggies and fruits.  Plus I've slacked up on my juicing too....  Anyway... these are my excuses when God "shows me myself." Lazy?  Admittedly we are no ants over here, bu...

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

Y esterday while checking my email I saw where I had a new Twitter follower.  For some reason I clicked on the ladies profile to read more about her (I don't always do that.  As a matter-of-fact, it's rare for me to do that).  At first I thought she was "trying" to be funny when she said how she put on her make-up etc,  So I clicked on to her blog to see what she was talking about. After watching her video, I knew that I'd found a new friend.  One who I have the utmost respect for.  And like my husband said while watching her video, "She's a cute girl"  That she is and I am pretty sure that her "cuteness" extends way beyond on her "outer" look. Please be encouraged by Sarah and stop by her place to let her know. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." ~ Philippians 4:13

The sufferings of Christ: a predetermined plan

E very Wednesday I participate in community over at Ann Voskamps A Holy Experience, where we share a spiritual practice that draws us closer to God, allowing us to walk with Him.  Today's post won't be a "spiritual practice" about what we are doing for Easter per se, but instead I chose to focus on "The suffering's of Christ" giving gratitude and attention to what took place leading to His death by bowing the head and kneesā€”hourly in recognition to these sufferings on my behalf.  I'm choosing to take the time to learn about the physical and spiritual sufferings and to share them...testify. I pray that the introduction to the sufferings of Christ will cause you to pause .  Give gratitude.  Put skin on holy words realizing what Jesus allowed to happen only because He loves you and me.   The torture of Jesus is cruel, inhumane, and disturbing , but I've chosen to learn about it and walk through the agonizing, bone-chilling, stomach tight...

The route that's best for you

`A ll I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson I read that quote and pondered on its meaning while folding warm towels in my quiet room.  Lights were dimmed, candles burned...fragrances were taken in and I was at peace to do more mind-travels.  This time my minds eye took me back to an illustration that I once heard a pastor give. A child was up high on a sliding board, when he became frightened.  He would not come down, nor would he turn around and go back the same way he came up.  He felt stuck.  Stilled. "Jump," said the father of the little boy.  I will catch you. "No," said the child. This went on for a few seconds, and then the little boy jumped.  Landing into the arms of his loving father.  What the child had in his father is what many of us adults lack in our heavenly Father:  Trust.   How did such trust come to flourish in the child to the point where he finally must...

Is this heaven's work?

I 'am tired.  My back hurts, neck aches, and I want to get back in bed, but I can't.  There's too much that needs to be tackled in the house today. I've been staying up late into the early mornings.  Not for writing, though, sometimes I try and use my time wisely and concentrate on that task.  No, I'm up late now, mostly waiting for my husband.  Remember he and a friend just opened the restaurant...eatery?   Being up late like this with house quiet and no one to talk to causes a mind to travel-think.  And I began to travel, think about what I am doing with life's work. Cleaning, cooking, refereeing, chauffeuring, encouraging, respecting, loving... all my responsibilities to my family.  This is my high calling service to God. It is my first responsibilityā€”even before writing.   It is: heaven's work.  And I'm proud to be one called to this service.  Being a stay-at-home moth...