Deliberately focusing on faith, family, writing, business and health {Day 1}

I wonder where I will be 31 days from now? These next 31 days will be intense as I will focus like I never have before on things that are important to me. Things that I usually just push to the side and say that I will get another day. You see I'm a homeschool mom. I blog for two blogs (both blogs are participating in the challenge--don't know if it is called a challenge, but it's one for me). The topics are very different. Not only that, but I just moved and still have so much to put away, and I'm trying to get my online business off the ground. Not to mention that I now have kids, a husband, and a business partner. Oh, yeah, I forgot all about my ladies . . . I am a leader for the (in)courage group Gateway to Joy. I like what the Nester titled her last writing challenge: Home. By choice. That's me. I've been home by choice for 19 years. I still want to be home, but I want to generate an income from my home. I'm rea...