Wake up to the blessings around you

H ere are a few things you can do if you are interested in waking up to your blessings...awaken from your daily slumber. Starting your One thousand gift lists. Awakening...really waking up to your senses helps you experience beauty...His beauty all around you. Interested in getting started counting gifts? 1. Ask God to open your eyes and make your heart sensitive to your surroundings, your world so that you begin to see your giftsāyour life, through a new perspective. 2. Thank Him for what He shows you and write it down. Gift Lists # 86-99 Letting God lead my blog and do what He wants with it. Follow His lead. Rubbing & massaging husbands aching back The writing down of poems audio Bible preparing to juice fruit for family in the mornings. Peeling oranges. sun shining...glare so bright listening to birds listening to chattering children quaint coffee shops cooking, listening to Bible reading while kids play outside ...