
Showing posts from February, 2011

Wake up to the blessings around you

H ere are a few things you can do if you are interested in waking up to your blessings...awaken from your daily slumber.  Starting your One thousand gift lists.  Awakening...really waking up to your senses helps you experience beauty...His beauty all around you. Interested in getting started counting gifts? 1.  Ask God to open your eyes and make your heart sensitive to your surroundings, your world so that you begin to see your giftsā€”your life, through a new perspective. 2.  Thank Him for what He shows you and write it down. Gift Lists # 86-99 Letting God lead my blog and do what He wants with it.  Follow His lead. Rubbing & massaging husbands aching back The writing down of poems audio Bible preparing to juice fruit for family in the mornings.  Peeling oranges. sun shining...glare so bright listening to birds listening to chattering children quaint coffee shops cooking, listening to Bible reading while kids play outside ...

Give me Jesus


Gratitude lifts the spirit

R ight into the heavenly.  Did you know giving thanks could do that?  She told us, made us aware of it: "All is grace."  And now seems like I'm seeing it everywhere: Grace.  Gratitude.  Beauty.  Gifts...more abundantly. Remember, "The difference is Christ in me, not a different set of circumstances." ~ Elisabeth Elliot

This house ...

Y ou might call it ugly.  Unattractive, but to us it's where the laughter, the talks and the love takes place.   The training of the next generation.   Husband and wife lovingly loving.  It's our home.  Once we called it "beautiful," but then my husband hired someone who really wasn't worthy of the work.  The door-to-door salesman understands how hard it is to provide for family on commissions.  Some day's, he knows, you make zero.  Nothing.  So when he met a guy who said he would transform our home ā€”a guy who was out of work, down on his luck, he hired him wanting to help him out. Well, our tile got pulled up before we had new tile to put down.   The door with the oval glass that I loved so much got taken down and replaced.  The glass screen that I'd wanted for so long is put in incorrectly .  The painting of the walls...fireplace was started on, but was never completed....

The Eucharist lifestyle

T o live fully right where I am...numbering gifts is how I will live out the remainder of my life, be it near are far. This numbering of gifts is souls food.  It satisfies.  Relationships, life they are all seen through a different perspective.  Even the way I look at myself.  As Ann says in her book, there are some hard thanks, but I'm even learning with those that many of themā€”the ugly situations will be the very situations that allows the beauty to glow.  His beauty.  I want Him...His beauty.  Long to fill my days with Him more.  This is what the counting of gifts is doing for me.  I feel the pullā€”the yearn of wanting to be His woman again.  I continue to feel Him here in the moments.  I know that He's pleased.  He likes this: me counting gifts. I must become more obedient and live more of a Eucharist life... right here.  Right now.  Even in the ugly. "Thanksgiving is possible not because ...

Slowing down to see God

M ay you slow your life down enough today my friend so that you catch a glimpse of your God in the moment.  Be intentional about it.  Look for Him.  Pray for Him to open your eyesā€”anew.  To bring forth noon light in a new way. Embrace the lifestyle of radical gratitude today, will you do that?

All is grace?

T hat's what Ann always says.  I don't know about you but sometimes I have questionsā€”all kinds.  I don't necessarily pray about them, I just wonder.  I've always been that way: someone who sits back and "wonders why?"   Most of the things I've never shared.  That's why it was kind of eerie when I started reading Ann's book.   She addresses so many of my "unspoken" wondersā€”they seem to be hers and probably even some are yours.  She's bold in her writing and gets bare. Today is Monday, which means I am participating in the Gratitude Community started by said author pictured above.  My gratitude list consists of things that I find through the day and list in my journal... things that I'm thankful for .  Are you going to participate?  Have you gotten your journal and started penning your gratitude, your gifts with us?  You should.  It is transforming.  Grace awakening. H...

Life without limbs

Life without arms, hands, fingers and legs? Could you serve God if this was your truth?  More importantly, would you serve Him?  Would you see your life as a blessing or a curse? Born in 1982, Dr's have no medical explanation for this cause.   One would think that Nick's life was over, right ... "Never really began," some may say. Well, to those who say that, I say, "Oh how wrong you are...But God ..."  Yes, God had a plan for Mr. Vujicic's life.  God, Nick's creator and Father, is using Nick to touch the lives of others (you and me) and to bring the hope of Christ into people lives world wide. When I first heard about Nick's story I immediately thought about the conversation between Jesus and his disciples about the blind man. "As He passed by, He saw a man blind from birth.  And His disciples asked Him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?' Jesus answered, 'It was neithe...

Home life is teaching me about character and gratitude

"S hould swiss  alps be capitalized?" I ask my eight year-old son. "Wait ... what is that again?  He asks seemingly frustrated. "Take a break." I say. "Thank you!" He exclaims. Today has been a tough oneā€” long.  Not only have I had to homeschool, cook, do laundry and ..., I've also had to throw some unexpected lessons on: kindness, not being vengeful and The Golden Rule.  Today reminded me of Elisabeth Elliot and what she often said,  "We have to teach our children, line upon line, precept upon precept."  This is no easy task and isn't for the faint of heart! I often sit back and wonder  "Am I messing these kids up?"   They are so sinful and haven't been around half the stuff I grew up around, yet I was so different it seems.  There was only my brother and me, and I am five years older so that could account for why we didn't argue as much.  Both of us attended school outside of the hom...

"Have a good and Godly day"

L aughing and talking echoes through the house.  Some of the kids are at the dinner table doing their school work, and some are in the kitchen talking to me while I stir the beans and make the corn bread. "The chicken is almost done."   I tell the kids who are in the kitchen.  My son hollers across the room to notify those at the table. "Underline the nouns and tell me which ones are common  & which ones are proper."   I yell from the kitchen. My daughter brings me her paper.  She's working on her vocabulary from Classical Roots.  She whines.  I tell her to correct her mistakes (again). We break bread for lunch.  Interrupted by the call of my husband, who has already called a handful of times.  "What y'all doing?"   He asked. "About to eat."   I say. "I wish I was there with y'all.  Can't wait to put this meat online, then I'll be home too." We finish conversation. Kids make Mama feel good.  The...

Instruction from the wise

G odly instruction is great and should be carried out regardless of who the messenger is.  However, Godly instruction (wisdom from the wise)  from our elderly is becoming more and more priceless.  As I get older I'm learning that "older" and gray head doesn't necessarily mean "wise" as I believed when I was younger.  Even more treasured is wisdom which comes from a mother or father-in-law. Moses...the leader of the Hebrews was blessed to have such a father-in-law. A wise man.  I've been reading through Exodus.  I've laughed and I've cried.  At times I have felt as if I were watching a movieā€”  I mean come on :  "Moving clouds."  "Wheels coming off of chariots." Confusion.   Reading Exodus has been sheer much so that at times my family runs in to see what's going on after witnessing my loud comments and delight!  It's been a pleasurable experience. I don't know abo...

Becoming a better you, through broken relationships

A s I get older I'm learning that life and close, intimate, relationships can be extremely difficult.  I use the word intimate as these are the relationships where eventually the mask has to come downā€”giving those closes to you the opportunity to see and learn who you really are.  Regardless of how giving you are in any relationship things can still go awry, causing everyone involved to view the fall of the relationship or disagreement from their perception, thus starts the pointing of fingers. This has been my lot as recently as last month.  Not wanting my pain to be in vain I've gone on a search, looking and longing to learn.  One of my biggest conclusions is simple, even in examining my behavior: "Put no confidence in the flesh."  There is no perfect life; there is no perfect person, and there is no perfect relationship.  Period.  We are all flawed, born in sin shaped in iniquity. Coming to this truth may seem like a "no brainer," but it was...

Weekend rest

W eekend rest, I doubt if you're in an area that is having beautiful weather, this weekend, you'll be one to stay inside (your home anyway).  Rest is what I wish for you this weekend, even if you find that rest by doing... moving, being away from your home.  Maybe this weekend will find you taking: ~ a stroll ... ~ reading a book ... ~ going out to eat ... Whatever your hands find to do this weekendā€”don't forget to see the beauty in your life.  The beauty around you.  The gifts.  His gifts.  Count them. Thank Him for them.  Thank Him for life, the breathingā€”inhaling, exhaling.  Pay attention to your surroundings, the smiles, the laughter, the joy, the peace, the sun or the snow, your love one, fellowship, solitude. Let His beauty & grace be a reflection of what you display, and as Ann Voskamp says, "Dare to live fully right where you are." "Come, rest awhile, and let us idly stray In glimmering vall...

When God seems like He doesn't care

A s  some of you know if you read my post yesterday, I was suffering from, "the sin of ingratitude."   After pondering on my life's work, I decided that I wasn't where I wanted to be, and what I've done and accomplished just isn't enough.  Somewhere along the way in my journey called "living" I realized that I'd let my life be "interrupted."  Or had I? "Why Lord?" Why haven't you allowed me to accomplish ...? Wallowing just isn't my thing (anymore) so I knew I couldn't stay in that frame of mind. Although I sort of felt like I was right?  Why did everything always seem to come so hard for me?  Why did I have to struggleā€”fight and plea for my portion?  Why? "Don't wallow Ang.  Don't do it"... I couldn't focus on the lie and allow it to consume me.  I had to fight and fight hard because my mind told me, "I had a "right" to be angry, and that I was right"  An internal...

I want more...I think?

H e loves me right?  I don't feel loved.  I wonder:  Why are things so hard for me?  Why can't I have a few of my heart desires?  Sure, He cares for my basic needs:  food, shelter and clothing, but can't I have just a little more?  Can't I see what the other side is like?  You know over there.  Can't I have a few of the things that ... has? "Lord forgive me for a heart so ungrateful and foolish.  I don't mean to be.  I just want more and wonder why I can't have it?" Am I simply meant to be a wife, mother who homeschools, and blog?   Just be a keeper of the house, clean and take care of the laundry, cook ...?  Be the one to point others in the right direction?  I love it, don't get me wrong.  I just want more.  I think. Is that badā€” me wanting more?  Is it too late for meā€”have I become to old?  After all I'll be 45 in May.  Are all my dreams and goals just that?  A th...

Becoming a steady stream of refreshing encouragement to your spouse

T his week has brought some surprising developments as it pertains to my husband and my blog.  He's been visiting everyday.  This week he's been a DIHH (do it himself husband).   Get this: not only has he visited, but he's been coming back sharing how MY WRITING is helping him SPIRITUALLY!  This is BIG sisters!  What a blessing!  His praise of my blog and writing has meant so much to me.  It's reeled me in some more y'all. Experiencing that got me to thinking about today's topic post: The practice of marriage.  Praise and interest in what our spouse is doing  seems fitting for discussion today. Taking an interest in the things our spouse is involved in or in things that are important to them sends a message way better than just the proclamation that comes from our mouth.  Doingā€”putting forth an effort to do says,  "I love you."   Doing is our proclamation in action....

Letting go of my yoke: the fear of Cancer

T oday is Tuesdayā€”  word day!  The word that I've been thinking about lately is: yoke .  Yoke as it is referred to in the Bible.  In the Bible the word "yoke" speaks of a wooden bar or a wooden apparatus that is placed over the necks of oxen and other pulling animals which connects them and enables them to pull carts, plows and so on ā€”as seen in the pictures below.  You can also see the ox pulling the brick with the yoke. Often times we will read where Jesus has used the word "yoke" as a metaphor for describing the union between usā€”people and our labor of service .  I thought about this word as I lay restless in my bed trying to go to sleep Sunday night.  Why?  Fear had crept up...  a slew of worries and fear were upon me.  One scary scenario after another plagued my mind.  For those of you who read Ann Voskamp book, you know when she talks about the fear of the big "C" word, cancer?  Gosh how I can...

Depressed by your circumstances?

G ive Him thanks! Giving thanks for all things is making a tremendous difference in my life. I wrote this article sometime ago, way before I learned about Ann Voskamp's blog: A Holy Experience and her Gratitude Community.  Maybe, now, some of you understand why I'm so drawn to her.  She speaks my heartā€”my language, and she has a lot of kids just like me! I thank God for giving me the opportunity to blog and to share with you my heart-felt and most convicting thoughts.  One thing that has really drawn me to participate in this Gratitude Community  is that as I go about visiting your blogs I see a lot of me in you.  We are like minded you and me.  I'm beginning to think of you all as friendsā€”my "kinfolk."  Realizing this makes me feel comfortable, and relax in your midst, ready to share. Today, I share a piece of my heart with you, and I thank you in advance for allowing me to be so...

Beyond The Gates of Splendor, part 2

T oday we're going to look at part 2, of the video Beyond The Gates of Splendor . I hope you were blessed, last week, by the story of the five missionary men who gave their lives for their faith.  It is my hope, too, that you were inspired to make your ordinary life an (extra) ordinary lifeā€”just by doing whatever it is He's called you to. Wherever you areā€”yes, wherever,be all there and let Him work through you. These men and their families were no different from you and me.  If there is a difference, the only difference is they were obedient where some of us may not be.  I don't know.  What I do know is just like God used these men to impact lives in their time and season, He means for us to do the same.  And who knows 40 plus years later...someone may be reading or writing your story.  Sharing how you in your "ordinary" way impacted them extraordinary.  Rememberā€” "What makes our labor holy, what makes it eternal...

Food: a spectrum of color

    I  believe in purposefully emphasizing plant based food in my diet and the diet of my family.  One way I do that is by choosing a spectrum of color for our diets daily...this can become monotonous if I'm not careful.  I'll share with you as we progress into these post how I handle that. The important thing that I try to remember is to be sure to get the variety of color in my diet daily by eating fresh fruit and vegetables. Eat them raw.  Eat them steamed. ļ»æ The Benefits: Kale is helpful in lowering cholesterol when cooked by steaming.  Raw is effective, too, but not as effective for that particular benefit.  The fiber in this green beauty are good at binding together with bile acids in the digestive tract.  It has been said that the Isothiocyana (ITC's) are have benefits in lowering at least five different kinds of cancer such as bladder, breast, colon, ovary, and prostate. I'm not a doctor so I don't know, but I can sa...