
Showing posts from January, 2011

My continued gratitude list

I t's dark out. Quite in here.  The only sound I hear is the refrigerator humming and my fingers hitting the keys on the computer.  Early morning...late nightsā€”I adore them.  It is in these moments that I am able to reflect on the day gone by... I thank Him for the gifts. One of my greatest delights: being able to open His Word to meditate.  Think.  Ponder.  Sit still. My reading comes from the book of Mark: "In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place and was praying." ~ Mark 1:35 ~ My List # 38 - 50 Thankful for my alone time.  A time to rekindle, refocus and think. Thankful for life ... health & the ability to reflect Thankful for warm beverages A glowing fire lotion after a good bath! early morning rising & late nights. my husbands kindness prayer The duties which fulfill my days. grace Christian radio The ability "to live fully right wher...

Beyond Gates of Splendor, part 1

T his is one of my most favorite storiesā€”it's tragic and triumph on so many levels.  It's remarkable to see how the lives (and death) of  such (extra) ordinary men and what they lived and died for are still touching the lives of millions world-wide today. If you click on this link, Valerie Elliot Shepard Interview, you can read my interview with Jim Elliot's daughter Valerie and see a few pictures of his grand kids.  Jim (Val's son) resembles his grandfather tremendously. I will post part 2, next Saturday

How to forfeit and find your peace

H ere's a good way we can forfeit (give it away...interrupt) our peace: The hymn says, "O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we don't carry everything to God in prayer." Prayerlessness, is one of the many ways we forfeit the peace of God.  But Elisabeth Elliot has a list of other things that causes us to loose and find our peace: ~ resent God's ways. ~ worry as much as possible ~ pray only about things you can't manage by yourself ~ refuse to accept what God gives ~ look for peace elsewhere than in Him ~ try to rule your own life ~ doubt God's Word ~ carry all your cares How to find your peace ~ Don't worry about anything (Phil 4:6) ~ "In everything make your requests known to God in prayer and petition with thanksgiving .  Then the peace of God ... will guard your hearts." (Phil 4: 6-7) ~ "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me...and you will find rest." (Matt. 11:29) ~ ...

"Do the next thing"

I woke to feelings I'd not had in a while, an overwhelming saddness flooded me! "Oh, boy, what's going on here I thought." My body didn't want to move.  It longed for the security of my blanket: aloneness.  I could hear them, the kids and my husband in the kitchen scrambling around. "Oh goshā€”there's so much to do.  Where do I began?" Finally, I rise.  Go to the bathroom, run bath water, brush teeth, wash face, face themā€” my family.  Then I remember her and her teaching us:   "Do the next thing." "But I don't want to do the next thing."  I want to stay here and wallow, wallow in self-pity or whatever it was I'm feeling. He beckons me to come, bend the kneeā€”but I don't.  I ignore Him.  "Do the next thing," I hear.  I do the next thing and the next thing after that and so on and so forth. "From an old English parsonage, down by the sea There came in the twilight a message to me, Its...

Eternal Communion

M arriage: a covenant between a man and a woman that binds them together for life.  Today we will discuss, "The Practice of Marriage," as it causes us to Walk Closer to Him.  The practice of marriage is a practice of FULLY and COMPLETELY giving of oneself for the otherā€”even when you may not want to.  It's a life long practice . Marriage teaches us to love the "seemingly" unlovable sometimes.  The same qualities that Christ uses with usā€”His bridegroom we must use with our spouse, and they with us. It's a union that's only released through death. It's the coming together of two to become one. "It's the worse of times.  It's the best of times ." In the practice of marriage, we laugh and we cry.  We love and we hate.  We learn how flawed and sin-ravished "we" are. On the surface it seems like a most "ordinary" experience, but it is the most HOLY of experiences.  For in marriage we practice: Livin...

His words hurt me

T here's nothing like the pain of harsh words coming from a soul that is wrong, and has wronged you, but won't admit to the wrongness: pain. Our wordsā€”the utterances that flow out of our mouths... we praise with these utterances, and we lash the soul with these same utterances from the mouth...from the heart. Friendships are built and friendships are torn down by the choice of our words.  Words give us a glance into the soul of the speaker, sometimes a troubled heart is able to hide, seemingly fool with their words, but it's only for a season.  Eventually the true heart and true self give way to truth. His Word tells us ... A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  The tongue of the wise makes knowledge acceptable, but the mouth of fools spouts folly.  ~ Proverbs 15: 1-3 This week my heart has been broken...shattered into pieces by the harsh words of a friend. I want to fade away, but I don't....

Pursuing His one thousand gifts in the ordinary ...

Giving thanks for now...this moment, this time...that's what gratitude looks like to me. I use to think it was about giving a BIG thank you when the extraordinary happened, but I've come to learn that my work of: working, writing, schooling my children, cleaning of the house; the cooking of meals, mothering, being his wife and His daughter are all part of my extraordinary work.  And that is where I also find Fatherā€” I AM, in the doing of my calling. It's not just in church where I find Him, or in the reading of His book, or doing "good deeds" ..., no I find Him and the gifts right there in my living out what He has taught me in church, and the reading of His book.  In the midst of me "living" I find Him...I feel Him ... beside me...talking to me...guiding me...teaching me. And that's where I find my joy.  "I find joy in the tarry there." Did you know that gratitude is the key to living a contented (h...

He gives what's required for His purpose

W hen some out-of-the ordinary supply is needed in order for us to accomplish the job God has given us, we can be confident He will provide. "Shoes of Iron " were asked of Moses' blessing for Asher, an impossibly long-lasting provision from God.  The old spiritual says, 'I got shoes, you got shoes, all God's children got shoes ..." But not all God's children have iron ones.   Only those who need them. Our heavenly Father knows exactly what we will require to fulfill His purposes for us .  It is wrongā€”it is in fact, a sin for us to worry about where the shoes will come from.  "Trust me!"   God says to us.  "I'll give you iron ones if only iron ones can do this job." I worried this morning about the seemingly impossibility of doing everything that needs to be done today, tomorrow and for next week since I'm now working outside the home for the next three months (and still homeschooling). Then I remembered this a...

Making habit: praying for others

I t's still dark out though it's morning.  The house is hushed.  Still. I rise to talk to Himā€”Creator and the creature.  I'm remembering my spiritual practicesā€”the one that draws me closer to Him.  The things that we write about on Wednesday's over at Ann Voskamps. I'm reading Colossiansā€”not necessarily trying to memorize it as Ann and other's are doing.  I'm simply reading through it.  I plan on reading through it several times this year to see ... what He has for me there.  I love reading and then re-reading scripture.  I always over look things and He always has more to say to me during each read and re-read.  I love that, communing with Him.  And I love when He works through others...setting me on fire by the ordinary person, His men and His women. That's what He's doing to me through Ann and a few other bloggers.  Who would have known when I began this journey of blogging that it would first be done to share my walk wit...

Making habit: A dare to live fully right where I am

T his year seems to be the year that I've taken to consciously form habits.  My goals are simple: energetically search for wisdom.  treasure His commandments within my heart. make my ear attentive to wisdom.  incline my heart to understanding and ... and pray for the hidden treasures that wisdom holds. Ann Voskamp has written a book, "One Thousand Gifts:  A dare to live fully right where you are."   I haven't been able to shake that titleā€”that dare.  I'm going to accept that dare, challenge, if you will.  This dare is what I'm going to practice to become habit.  Living fully right where I am.  To do this I believe the above goals are necessary for it takes wisdom to see the true beauty in such a dare.  It takes wisdom to recognize the hidden treasures of the  one thousand gifts that stare us in the face each and every dayā€”365 days a year. How will this practice of habit began f...

Letting Jesus make up the difference

J esus what can I say to you that you don't already know? First, I want to tell you what I'm taking part in with Ann & Holley (and some other lady bloggers).  We're calling ourselves "Word Girls." Each Tuesday each of us Word Girls are linking up to Ann's blog: a holy experience and sharing our series of letters about loving you with our words. So dear Lord, how do I love you? INSTANTLY sadness befalls my heart.  My heart knows that I don't love you like I should. BUT ... You love meā€” even still. The next question that comes to mind is ... Do people see your love displayed through me? Not often enough. Last week Holley's letter to Ann was titled: "Why You and Your Words are More than Enough." I've been thinking about thatā€”pondering on the truth of that statement.  Is it true Lord?  Are me and my words enough? It is true.  "Just offer what you have.  I will make up the difference."   That's wha...

So glad He loves me

T he LORD never cease to amaze me. Have any of you ever desired something, never really praying about it.  Well, I take that backā€”you pray about it, maybe even often, but you pray and then leave it alone.  Believing that He will answer, but not until the far-future (you believe). I wish I could express my feelings in regards to this issue in a way that I know you could understood.  What I'm trying to convey is that God does give us the desires of our hearts.  Some times we have to wait a long time for some of those desires to come forth and sometimes we don't. Regardless, please be encourage that when we have desires and needs... The Father gives us some of those desires when He knows that He will be glorified. The Father also graciously takes care of the needs of His children. Day-by-day He is continuing to care for me before I can even breath out through words what some of my desires and needs are. I'm so glad that my Father in heaven loves ...

Are you a Christian worthy of pruning?

I ' d like to share with you a Scripture that's been on my mind: I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.  Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit.  He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit.  He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.  (John 15: 1-2) I've read this so many times and I've heard it read, but some where along the way...I seem to have MISSED, "EVERY BRANCH IN ME THAT DOES NOT BEAR FRUIT.  HE TAKES AWAY AND EVERY BRANCH THAT BEARS FRUIT.  HE PRUNES IT SO THAT IT MAY BEAR MORE FRUIT." Don't misunderstand:  I've READ itā€” but I haven't really READ it, know what I mean? Do you ever do that?  Seemingly by-pass something in Scripture? This passage tells me that NOT ALL CHRISTIANS are being pruned.  I didn't realize that.   Only the  CHRISTIAN'S who are bearing fruit are worthy. The word PRUNE is defines as something to rid or clear of (anything s...

Beyond The Gates of Splendor - Part 1

Those of you who know me, know that I've been blessed beyond measure in my spiritual life by the life of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot. I love the story of the missionaries who gave their life for their calling, and the brave women who stayed behind and accomplished what their loved ones had come to that village to do: share the Good News.  It's still hard for me to believe that men would go (and have gone) to such great lengths for their belief. If you would like to know more about Jim and Elisabeth Elliot's daughter, Valerie, please click on this interview where you can also view pictures of her and her family. I ask that you only view the pictures.  Please don't save them or download them in any way without my written permission. Interview with Valerie Elliot-Shepard.

Training days

F acing  times of troubles? In my morning devotions I read a conversation between God and Jeremiah where God explained to Him why he was having troublesome days. I'm so sure God's  respond is the same to YOU and ME many times. When we're going through problems troublesome moments can be very useful.  A good way to look at our troubles is to think of them as "Our training."  They're our "training days." I'm convinced that it is in the days of difficulties that we are able to see what kind of character we've developed.  To check your character begin to discern your own actionsā€”learn what they mean.   You can check for things such as: What is your thinking like when you are facing certain troubles? How do you feel within? Are you angry?  Why?  Why not? Are you blaming someone else?  Or have you taken on too much of the blame? How is your relationship with God, now? How is your relationship with...

Extending grace

I 'm back again today, talking about Grace. Let me just start off by saying, "When you have screwed up in your Christian walk as much as I have...being inconsistent in your walk, having a bad attitude and so on, you come to appreciate GRACE." I'm thankful for it.  The biggest reason I'm thankful for it now is because I really know within my being that I don't deserve it. When I first became saved I knew that I was a sinner in need of it, but I believed the "lie" that so many often told me "I was good."  That was pre-married, pre-babies (7), and pre-homeschooling. After being married for 20 years, having seven children, and homeschooling...I now know the sin that lives within my heart.  Husband and childrenā€”the people I love the most .  They are also the people that bring out the worst in me at times.  Sometimes when I think of family I think of the opening line in Charles Dickens classic: The tale of two cities: "It was the ...

Grace is for sinners...

T his is something I have to literally "mumble" to myself throughout the day when I come across people and their disappointing actions toward me. It is also something I ask you to "mumble" to yourselves when I've disappointed you.  Remember, God's GRACE is immediate.  "Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother , and then come and present your offering.~Matthew 5:24-25 Broken relationships can hinder our relationship with God.  When we have a problem or a grievance against a friend, we need to resolve the problem as soon as possible. We are hypocrites when we claim to love God while we hate others.  Our attitudes toward others reflect our relationship with God. Enjoy your weekend,  angela

Discerning God's calling

O ne of my most beloved passages in the Bible is when God calls the boy Samuel.  Though I love the entire story my favorite part reads this way:   " So the LORD called Samuel again for the third time.   And he arose and went to Eli and said, 'Here I am, for you called me.'  {Here's one of my favorite phrases}  Then Eli DISCERNED that the LORD was calling the boy ..." I remember I often worried about missing or not knowing when God called me when I first became saved. "What do you want me to do Lord," I would eagerly ask?  "Speak to me Lord.," I don't worry about that anymore.  As with anything in life, experience is the best teacher, and in growing in faith I've learned that our Father is always willing to show His children the path they should take .  I'm not certain of many things, but when it comes to Godā€”thankfully, there are many, many things we can be certain of.  One of those certainties is: If you or I want t...

Repetition is the mother of skill and action is its father

T he practice of habit. Today we're participating with Ann over at A Holy Experience , where our spiritual journey leads us to 'The practice of habit .'  We're looking at spiritual practices that cause us to Walk With Him: Things that cause us to draw closer to His throne. Habit is define according to as: "An acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.  It's customary practice or use; a particular practice", etc. The logical question, for me, becomes: How do we go about Walking With Him using the practice of hait? I would like to echo the words from Elisabeth Elliot that ring truth over and over again in my heart and mind  "Anything if given to God can become our gateway to joy." Those words are worth repeating to yourself over and over again.  Why?  Anything that we give to Him can be a holy work.  Our holy experience.  The "thing" regardless of how treacherous it may ...

There is a time for everything under the sun

C elebrating  Him and His endless gifts of giving .  Learning thankfulness for the endless blessings Christ gives us. Take a look around ...  go ahead.  Somewhere you will find His endless gifts to you .  No matter how bleak things may look todayā€”take a look around.  I bet you'll find something.  Actually, I know you will.  He's the gift giver. The best way for us to see our endless gifts is to celebrate in what we have: What He's given us. Thank Him in heart for the obvious .  Sit back and ponder on the even smaller blessings ...things, t he things you and I have the ability to take for granted ... overlook.  The Bible tells us,  " There is an appointed time for everything/  And there is a time for every event under the heavenā€” God has made everything appropriate in its time.  He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginnin...